Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Overcoming Depression with a Child’s Heart

“With a child's heart
Go face the worries of the day
With a child's heart
Turn each problem into play
No need to worry no need to fear
Just being alive makes it all so very clear”

Although this is no way is a pro-Jackson article, this is actually an excerpt from a personal Jackson 5 favorite entitled ‘With a Child’s Heart’

Sung by a pre-adolescent Michael Jackson, the words of this song made such an impact on me most recently when I played the CD a few days back.

The lyrics of the song reminded me of what the renowned psychologist: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, once stated in his book- that children are indeed the group of humans who ironically are most gifted in the art of faith and positive thinking.

These are two essentials for overcoming depression, and it is no co-incidence that they are abundant in a child’s heart.

Children are more expert in happiness and faith than adults and indeed the adult who can carry the spirit of a child into middle and old age is truly a genius. Why?
Well this is quite simply because such an adult will preserve the happy and carefree spirit that only the young seem to be endowed with and this of course will be vital and necessary for dealing with depression and problems and keeping their effects on us minimized.

The subtlety and wisdom of Jesus Christ is truly remarkable.
When it comes to dealing with depression (or dealing with life, period-the good and the bad of it), He suggests that one should have a childlike heart and mind.

In other words, have you ever noticed how a kid believes mom’s kiss actually made the pain of a bicycle fall go away, well that same childlike faith is actually what God requires of us in believing that what He says He’ll do for us will come to pass.

Now, in regards to overcoming depression, it is clear to see that approaching our problems with a childlike yet powerful faith that things will be better would make a huge difference in our situations and circumstances.

This doesn’t mean that no work will be required of us on our part, remember
“faith without works is dead," (James 2:26). However, it is the believing that what we are doing to make things better in addition to trusting what God says about our situations and challenges that would make the difference.

Just like a child will ask a parent for help on how to do something and totally rely on the parent’s instruction to get it done, it is very much the same way that we have to accept and follow God’s advice and help in order to deal with our problems and challenges in life.

A young Jackson ends the song above soulfully stating that
“With a child’s heart, nothing is gonna get me down!”
Indeed with the childlike faith in God and His promises and a childlike obedience to do as instructed by a wiser Being, nothing: not depression, not life’s problems can get us down.

Oxycodone Abuse & Addiction & Side Effects & Testing

Oxycodone is a prescription drug that acts as a depressant of the central nervous system. It is a narcotic, much like Vicodin and morphine and is used to treat moderate to severe pain like that caused by fractures, arthritis, childbirth and serious diseases like Cancer

Going by such brand names as Percocet, OxyContin, Tylox and Percodan, oxycodone is an opiate that is highly addictive and is being abused by many. When taken repeatedly, one can become tolerant to the drug, therefore requiring higher doses to experience the same effects. Oxycodone is often mistakenly referred to as oxycotton. While OxyContin is a brand name of the drug, oxycotton is just a misspelling of the name. This drug is also referred to as oxy and hillbilly heroin on the street.

Oxycodone Side Effects

Oxycodone is very addictive and is often abused by individuals who begin taking the drug as a part of a prescription but spiral out of control into actually abusing it. As their tolerance increases, they require a higher and higher oxycodone dosage to achieve the same effects, such as euphoria, pain relief and the prevention of withdrawal symptoms.

When taken as prescribed, oxycodone can cause several side effects including constipation, headache, nausea, excessive sweating and dry mouth. An oxycodone overdose can cause severe symptoms including seizures, coma, dizziness, clammy skin and slowed breathing.

Oxycodone Abuse

Abusers of oxycodone may either take it in its original pill form or crush it into a powder to be snorted. The drug can also be melted in water and injected. Because the drug is meant to act as a time-released pain reliever, when crushed or injected oxycodone causes an intense high that involves feelings of euphoria. This is how abusers experience an oxycodone overdose, due to the large amount of the substance being released into their system at once, rather than slowly released over time in the oxycodone pill form.

Signs of Oxycodone Addiction

If a person's use of oxycodone is radically different from their prescription or doctor's recommendations, or is taken without a prescription, they may be addicted to the drug. Oxycodone abuse can be seen in those who have developed a dependence on the drug and will continue to take it despite negative consequences. Their bodies go through withdrawal when the intake of the drug is ceased. Withdrawal symptoms are quite obvious and include anxiety, diarrhea, nausea, muscle cramping, especially in the legs, and restlessness.

How To Test For Oxycodone Abuse

There are many different types of drug tests available that detect oxycodone. When searching for one, look for those that test for opiate abuse. Also look for drug tests that test for another opiate, hydrocodone. This substance can be found in drugs such as Vicodin and produces much of the same affects as oxycodone. Drug testing kits come in several types including oxycodone urine tests, saliva tests and hair tests.

Employers, in particular, are often concerned with drug testing and how to go about administering it, yet don't know where to turn. Liability rests on the shoulders of the employer, making drug abuse of utmost concern. While abusing oxycodone can decrease a person's ability to make sound judgments and decisions, the abuse of any drug in the workplace can potentially lead to disastrous results. This is why employers often opt to start an employee drug testing program.

Parents, too are worried about drug use in their homes. Teenage drug abuse of substances such as oxycodone is a serious matter. Even the slightest suspicion of teen drug use, and a drug test should be administered.

Overcoming Depression: The Power of Positive thinking works

Friends: “Above all else, guard you heart for it’s the well-spring of life”

I remember telling an associate this quote once and his response (this from a ‘straight out the tough streets of Chicago’ guy) was: “That is deep…!”

He was going through a depressing situation of his life and was discussing it with me, we talked about methods of overcoming depression and I thought of that verse. Yes, folks it’s a verse from the Bible, and it is one of the most powerful ones that can be affirmed or repeated for overcoming depression through one’s thoughts.

With the several side-effects associated with synthetic drugs for treating depression, it is quite necessary to say seeking alternative methods of depression treatment will be more than adequate and wise for overcoming depression. One of these alternatives is changing one’s thinking (and speaking) habits about life and its challenges.

As its name suggests, positive thinking is a habit of accepting first that there are problems and challenges we may be facing, but in order to overcome them to avoid the inevitable depression that may result, we must think with the mind-frame of success and victory in mind. When using this for overcoming depression and our challenges, it involves forcefully saturating our minds with positive thoughts and affirmations in the aim of overshadowing the negative pessimistic thoughts about the depressing situations.

Always seek the good out of every situation and this at times may require some real action on our parts. Analyze the problems, ask why it may be happening, what you may have done to provoke or not prevent it from occurring, your options of being able to fix it and who you may have to turn to for help.

Seeking spiritual guidance and help while using positive thinking for overcoming depression, is also a great suggestion. As overlooked as the Bible may be in the present ages (or religion/spirituality period), it does contain a lot of helpful affirmations one can repeat mantra-like in thoughts and speech and with the right attitude, you almost inevitably find the answer to your problems. Is this quackery or magic? No. Your thinking process creates your world. Remember: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he…”

Other things to keep in mind when using positive thinking for overcoming depression are to employ the proven methods of a proper diet and exercise to create a healthy body and consequently a clearer and healthier mind which will be more capable as a consequence for overcoming depression.

Will positive thinking always work? It will be safe to say, like with anything else, you will only get out of it what you put into it. However, with the right attitude and mind-frame, it sure will beat overcoming depression through a bunch of harmful drugs.
Do keep in mind though, it is the first step (thinking right that is) to solving a problem. Moreover, as far as problems in life remember in the words of Charles de Gaulle: "Difficulties attracts the man of character because it is in embracing it that he realizes himself!"

Life’s problems should act as spur for action not running away from them. Considering this, positive thinking obviously is the first step to ensuring that you make the right move for overcoming depression and challenges in life.

According to your faith (thoughts and actions), be it unto you.

Teenage Depression

Many people believe today that teenagers lack respect for authority, lack respect for school, and even lack respect for family. For the most part they are looked down on by society as being disobedient trouble-makers. Being a teenager isn’t an easy task. They’re constantly being exposed to new, scary situations, and it’s hard for any teenager to overcome one of these obstacles because of how they are looked at by other people, and one of the biggest problems a teenager has to face is depression.

About 5% of teenagers suffer from severe depression. More often than not they have a very hard home life usually consisting of depressed parents or abusive siblings. Teens who are under a lot of stress, or suffer from anxiety and learning problems, are at higher risk for depression. Highschool is the leading cause of stress in a teenagers life, and parents need to take that into consideration. Instead of making your kids do homework you need to help your kids do homework. Another thing teenagers are exposed to is drinking and drug usage. If you catch your kid drinking alcohol or smoking pot there are many things you can do besides yelling at them and grounding them. Try to explain to them what happens when people drink and drive. Talk to them about your life experiences with drinking and drugs. Or you can even negotiate with them and tell them they can drink if they do it within the household. Anything is better than just yelling at them and leaving them alone, because chances are they will go out and do it again. Drinking is a sign that your teenager may be depressed, so you also need to realize yelling at them will not solve the problem. There are also many other signs to watch for if your teenager is suffering from depression:

Sudden loss of interest in doing activities they once enjoyed
Little to no energy. Sleeps a lot
Increased anger and hostility
Self-Injury, which may lead to suicide attempts
Poor concentration in home or at school
Persistent boredom

You’re probably wondering what you should do if your teenager is depressed. The first step is to seek professional help. You might think because your the parent it would be best for you to help your child out, but the truth is you need to find real professionals to help your teenager through their depression. Unless you’re a certified therapist, I wouldn’t recommend you taking the responsibility to help your kid’s depression. You can support your child, and talk to them frequently, but don’t try to cure them. Also be aware of the many types of medicines out on the market for depression. If a therapist suggests a certain type of pill for your teenager, look it up on the internet and find out all of the information you can on the medicine. There are many types of pills that have very bad side effects, and you as the parent need to make sure what you think is appropiate for your child. Remember, the therapist only suggests these pills, you need to make sure if it’s the best route to take. Also keep in mind that if your kid suffers from any kind of medical disorder, you let your therapist know before your teenager takes any kind of medicine, and let your doctor know what the therapist is wanting to prescribe them.

Before I bring this article to a close I’d just like to give my final thoughts. Teenagers are people just like anyone else, and they’re dealt many hard cards in life. You were a teenager once, so you should know what it’s like. It’s one of the hardest parts of your life. If you give your child the love and care that they need, they can get through their depression and make it out of highschool just fine. Punishment is something you should do while the child is young, once they become adolescent you need to start talking to them more about personal things and helping them along the way, not punishing them. There are more good teenagers out there than bad, people just don’t pay enough attention to find out. The problem with the world isn’t teenagers, it’s the people who aren’t giving teenagers the chance they deserve who are the problem.

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The Formula for Preventing Depression

While it is arguable that depression is not always preventable, there are many cases, when using the following ideas, will keep you in good spirits - most of the time. Unfortunately, we cannot be happy all of the time, but there is something we can do about it.

Working with a variety of clients over the years, I have seen how Yoga and exercise changed, and continue to change, them for the better. It is a well-known fact that endorphins are produced from a variety of exercise routines, including gentle Hatha Yoga.

Endorphins reduce stress and enhance good moods. Just that information alone is enough to start an exercise program, but weight control, muscle-tone, circulation, flexibility and a variety of other health benefits, should be an incentive to start a mild exercise program.

If you have been inactive, I suggest a beginner Yoga class with a very mild-mannered Yoga teacher. Without pushing this any further, let’s look at other options to start, and things to avoid.

Participate in social activities, support groups, senior centers, or local church activities. The activities could be in your local mosque, temple, or shrine, as well. There is always an activity that you can find around any religious center.

You could also join a league for golf, tennis, fishing, bowling, bocce, or any other activity where people gather to share a few laughs. Take competition in stride, and don’t take anything too serious.

Many social groups also function as support groups. The collective activity is good for all involved. Stay away from “alcohol drinking” clubs. This is not just bars, or nightclubs, but local clubs, who organize for the common good, and then, routinely get together to drink.

There is a conflict here, in that alcohol is a depressant, and if you are prone to depression, this is not a good combination. On top of that, there are plenty of health problems that accompany alcohol abuse.

Substance abuse is not a solution to depression, and you won’t find a purpose in life through it. So, let’s keep it simple and stay away from drinking alcohol - altogether.

If your friends and family abuse alcohol, they need counseling, and you will have to look outside your normal circles to get guidance. You need to surround yourself with positive and energetic people.
Also, don’t hang around your house too much, especially in dark or unlit areas. Get outside, take a walk, go shopping, get a little sunlight, and if you are in the house all day, open the curtains during daylight hours. If you have a sunroom to relax in - that’s good, too. Lack of sunlight can cause elevated levels of melatonin, which is sometimes called the “sleep hormone.”

Lastly, visit the self-improvement section of your local bookstore. It is a hidden treasure within itself. This is a great reason to leave the house.

Audio books are also good for traveling in your car or listening to in your sunroom. Pick out books that really captivate your imagination. If your local bookstore has CD’s, you may want to pick up some relaxing music for your ride home.

Techniques to ease stress, treat depression and increase relaxation.

Stress is one of the top health hazards we face today. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to go through life without the irritations that make us tense. Some people deal with the situation better than others. Here are some techniques for easing stress and increasing relaxation:
- Get enough sleep
- Meditate regularly
- Give up junk Food
- Adopt a pet
- Surround yourself with supportive people
- Limit your exposure to chemicals
- Enjoy yourself
- Exercise regularly such as stretching, aerobics etc
- Take Your Vitamins

You should learn to control stress before it controls you. There are also medications available for people whose stress levels are bad enough to impact their ability to function effectively. Doctor in some instances may prescribed medication for you but are usually prescribed for no more than a few months as medications may have the potential to cause side effects such as sleepiness and some nausea.

Those who afraid of the side effects should seek natural treatment. One of the natural treatment that is available in the market is Relagen. Relagen is a natural product that treats the various and debilitating symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. Relagen unlike Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Wellbutrin and Effexor is produced to treat you safe and naturally without unwanted side effects that can be found in the prescriptions medication. With Relagen, you can lose that stubborn excess weight around your waist caused by high levels of the cortisol stress hormone.

Treatment for stress and anxiety, or depression is not that simple because brain is not that simple. Scientist has found that certain naturally occurring ingredients can assist in treating stress and anxiety, or depression. The active ingredients in Relagen help to regulate the chemicals that influence your moods safely. To learn more on Relagen visit

Symptoms of Depression: How to know if you are depressed

Studies have shown that about 20 million Americans receive some form of depression treatment on an annual basis. Twenty Million Americans! Considering how grave an illness depression is, this is a rather worrisome number. As a result recognizing the symptoms of depression as a step for depression treatment may perhaps be the first move to make.

Like any other illness, depression, characterized by insomnia, mood swings, frustration and loss of appetite amongst other things, is a disorder that starts little but left unattended to can increase in intensity. Thus all efforts should be made to attend to the symptoms of depression and for best results; this should be in its beginning stages.

Now, the symptoms of depression may be caused or aggravated by other diseases (for example, in my case it was years and years of acne and asthma as a teen and adult), stress, use of drugs, Improper diet, Loss of a job or loved ones. The list is endless friends. However, as a famous writer once said, in regards to depression here is one helpful thing to remember: "Life's problems are like knives, which either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle: Grasp a difficulty or problem by the blade and it cuts; grasp it by the handle and you can use it constructively"

In order to not allow depression to take over your present situation and consequently hinder you from overcoming it, below are its symptoms in no specific order.

Symptoms of Depression:

1. Irritability and mood swings.
2. Hopelessness and extreme pessimism (a negative outlook on life)
3. Loss of energy, extreme fatigue and tiredness.
4. Loss of interest in hobbies, having a good appearance and even associates and loved ones.
5. Extreme feelings of helplessness and no self worth.
6. Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
7. Insomnia (lack of) or excessive sleep.
8. Inexplicable weight loss or gain thereof, triggered by eating disorders.

Though not a conclusive list as characteristics vary by patient, these symptoms of depression listed above are the most common ones. If you happen to experience any of these symptoms, the first step, in my opinion and based on research will be to look within and ask why this may be occurring. Thoroughly assess your situation to see what it is that could be triggering these symptoms of depression within you. Could it be a failure at something or the loss of something or someone of importance?

If you go over the problem carefully, you would be able to target the cause and consequently solve it. Remember, the mind is the most powerful force on the earth, He who can control it can control all things my friend.

You will notice that I have made little or no mention of drugs or members of the medical fraternity. That is simply because I believe a drug-free alternative of treating depression and its symptoms will be the safest route to go. What with all the side effects of popular depression medications, why aggravate an already disturbed health with such unwanted side effects as nausea, weight gain and even sexual dysfunctions as reported in some cases.

With a drug-free approach of Positive Thinking, a carefully selected diet (yes, it matters friend) and some form of physical exercise-my personal recommendation being Yoga-you can tackle the symptoms of depression at any stage and empower yourself to lead a healthier and happier life.

Other things you can add to these three limbs are to take time to relax more, enjoy your favorite music (remember David playing for Saul in the Bible, yes music is soothing for depression friend), seek uplifting entertainment, read more self-help books, Heck, if you’re of a Christian background go to Psalms 23 or 91…they help. Seek out the company of those you know make you laugh. Or if need be, let out a good cry (don’t abuse it and you are not weak if you do, it’s part of being human.), clear the mind and empower yourself (if need be with positive affirmations repeated mentally or aloud) and tackle your problems because YOU CAN DO IT!

May Happiness be yours.

Beat the Symptoms of Your depression starting today.

The Facts about Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks

Anxiety and panic disorders are the most common emotional disorder. It is reported that one out of every 76 people worldwide will experience a panic attack in their lives. Each year around 1/3 of American adults have at least one panic attack while most of these adults never develop repeated panic attacks. Only 21% of people who ever suffer from anxiety and panic attacks reach out for professional help.

Do I have Anxiety and Panic Disorder?

The truth is if you experience one or several of the following symptoms, it is very likely that you have it: heart palpitations, sweating, trembling or shaking, sensations of shortness of breath or smothering, feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, nausea or abdominal distress, dizziness or light-headedness, derealisation or depersonalisation, fear of losing control or going "crazy", fear of dying, paresthesia, and chills or hot flushes.

What you don't know about Anxiety and Panic Disorders

We receive thousands of emails via our web site from anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) suffers every month. What is very apparent from most of these is that people have a lot of misconceptions about anxiety and panic disorders. In order to cure them we need to know some facts about them first.

Firstly, anxiety and panic disorders are NOT mental illnesses. They are just behavioral conditions stored as memory, instinct and habit in the Amygdala, an almond-shaped set of neurons inside the brain. The National Institute of Mental Health has confirmed that conditions such as anxiety, depression, autism, PTSD, OCD, and phobias are caused by abnormal functioning of the Amygdala.

Secondly, anxiety and panic disorders conditions CAN be eliminated 100% permanently, contrary to what most believe. We already know that stress, bereavement and life circumstances are just the triggers for the anxiety and that Amygdala is THE cause. If we can change the way the Amygdala reacts, you'd be anxiety free. The good news is we can change the reaction of Amygdala quickly and permanently with immediate results.

Please visit our Anxiety Panic Away website listed below for more information on how your can permanently cure anxiety and panic attacks so you can make an informed decision as to the best course of treatment that would best fit you.

Teen Depression: The Scary Truth

Teen depression comes in two forms. It can be a simple episode in which they are upset because of a break up. Or, it can come in a constant, heavy depression that can and does destroy lives. There are many things that you, as a parent can do to keep your child out of this condition. Teen depression is serious and should be handled in the right way.

What Are The Signs?

Knowing some of the signs of depression is necessary. All parents should keep a look out for these conditions.

  • Pulling away from the things that they used to love to do.

  • Not eating well. While they may eat normally, they may lose weight. Or, they may not be eating at all.

  • Not sleeping well. Waking up still tired is not okay.

  • Pulling away from friends and social situations. This is a key sign of teen depression. Teens are social creatures and need constant interaction. If they are not allowing it to happen, they may be depressed.

  • The blues that last. While everyone feels bad sometimes, teens with depression feel bad most of the time. You need to get them some help in these cases.

Teen depression that is serious can lead to additional problems. Teens that are depressed may be more likely to do drugs or drink alcohol. Teens in this situation are less likely to do well in school. They may retreat so much so into themselves that they may become ill or may attempt to harm themselves.

One of the scariest things about teen depression is how well they can hide it. Many teens will face bouts of depression, but those that have too many will hide it well from you. If this is the case, you may never realize how much trouble they are in until it is too later. Parenting a teen means; making it your business to know.

The Effect of Depression in Women

Women, regardless of nationality or socioeconomic status, have a higher chance to have depression than men. The reasons for such higher chance appear to be a combination of biological and cultural factors.

Women's Hormonal Variation and Life Phase

Extreme hormonal changes can trigger the reaction of emotional swings for all women. There are studies that show how the hormones can contribute in depression but the reason is not yet totally clear.

Female hormones undoubtedly play a big role in “premenstrual dysphoria”, postpartum depression, and the SAD moment. These forms of depression draw back or stop after the menopausal stage.

In early puberty a girl who reaches the age of 11 years old or younger are more prone to experience depression during adolescence than those girls that are more matured.

By the time of pre-menopausal, women between the ages of 20 and 45 are most at risk to get depression. Based on the record of the study, 34% of this age group are complaining of having symptoms of major depression.

Depression usually occurs around menopausal stage, it is the stage when the women's hormonal secretion changes. Usually symptoms like lack of sleep, mood swing, hypertension, and loss of appetite are experienced.

Once the women pass into the postmenopausal stage, some of the studies show that the average depression scores are nearly as low as those women that are under premenopausal stage. As a matter of fact, there are women cases that shows that after they had experienced menopause, they had also suffered from depression. One of the particular cause in that case is the seasonal changes.

There are other studies in United States that have reported that even grandmothers who shows care for their grandchildren and family, not considering the situation in which they work outside or at home, have a high risk for depression, other factors may be involved.

Suicide is Not an Option

On December 12th, 1992, my brother committed suicide. The consequences were devestating to everyone involved. Maybe this story will help someone who is contemplating suicide to decide against it.

Suicide is not the solution that some may think it is. Problems and unresolved issues will haunt family and friends for many decades.

My nephew, who was just a baby at the time, would always ask about his uncle. He eventually learned to point up at the sky and say, "Uncle Scott".

But the reality is that he missed out on having the benefit and support of his uncle as he grew up. And of course, there are countless interactions with family members that will be missed over the decades.

Suicide is permanent. And the effects that it has on loved ones also lasts over a life time.

My brother was only 22 years old at the time he chose to commit suicide. I was only 24.

I remember going to the viewing and seeing his lifeless body. They couldn't quite erase all of the signs of his violent death. And that image will stick with the living for the rest of their lives.

In the end, the temporary pain someone escapes by committing suicide might be overshadowed by the pain and sadness of family and friends. That pain may continue through the decades whenever they think about it.

The missed opportunities for interaction also impedes the growth of everyone else. Countless interactions that would have occurred are all lost now.

Who knows how destiny was changed by such an event. The family that he may have had will not exist now.

The triumphs and set backs of a life will never be realized. The fulfillment of a lifetime was cut short by a decision that may have been made rashly at a moment of personal confusion or pain.

We never know who it is in our destiny to meet and interact with over a lifetime. All of those 'plays' of life will never be able to exist because one of the characters on the stage will not be there to fulfill his role.

So, the total sum of the tragedy is really unknown but it seems likely that over what would have amounted to decades of time, that sum must be quite high. I guess we won't get the chance to find out.

Though I am revealing this personal family tragedy to the masses through this article, if it saves a single life, it will be worth it. Drop me a line if you ever want to talk, I would be happy to hear from you.

Teenage depression: Is it just a phase in growth?

We all remember when we were teenagers. Boy, what a phase in our lives.
What with the need for peer acceptance, parental expectations, raging hormones, acne…
It’s no wonder teenage depression exists in such high numbers.

From research and even mere observation, teenage depression actually manifests itself differently from adult or childhood depression as during this age, teens want to start to mark their territorial signs of independence and the last thing a teen may want to do is admit they need help for depression. Teenagers tend not to display gloom, self-depreciation, or talk about feeling hopeless like adults do during this stage of their lives if they are depressed, so as a parent or adult role-model you may need to watch for other signs of depression in the teenager you are dealing with.

Teenage Depression: Symptoms to watch out for

Though the signs of teenage depression may vary in both sexes, here are some symptoms that are common to both male and female teens battling with depression.

1. Excessive negativity and antisocial behaviors.
2. Wanting to leave home or retreat to their rooms constantly.
3. Inattention to personal appearance.
4. A lack of desire to co-operate in family get-togethers and activities.

Signs of Teenage Depression in Males:

1. Increasing in aggression and agitation.
2. A higher tendency to get in trouble with school or the law.
3. Reckless behavior such as uncontrolled use of illegal substances.

Signs of Teenage Depression in Females:

1. Less attention to their appearance.
2. Pre-occupation with death and themes of suicide.
3. Excessive promiscuity or an extreme isolation from members of their opposite sex.

Although this is not a conclusive list of the signs of teenage depression one should look out for in teens, the ones listed above are the most common ones. In addition to these depression symptoms in regards to teenager, other ones may include a lower self-esteem than average, referrals to suicide (in extreme cases) and a general negative outlook on life.

It indeed may be challenging to cope with as an adult to deal with a depressed teenager as it’s a catch 22 situation, they want to be independent as teens, yet they need your help.
Well, this may be a good time to simply take charge, albeit with care and caution as we are dealing with delicate and sensitive emotions here and reach out to help.

Teenage Depression: Solutions for coping with depression in your teen

1. If necessary, seek professional help. I lean more towards drug-free alternatives so meetings with competent Pastors, guidance counselors, teachers and therapists may suffice to at least get a diagnosis…if you need one.
2. Talk to your teen’s friends and or their parents, although this approach requires care, remember, they are starting to declare independence and ‘snooping’ around on them may be defeating the purpose of reaching them, so do this with care and tact.
3. Suggest one-on-one outings with phrases like: “hey, how about a game of basket ball, just you and I..?’ or “Hey how about us girls take a trip to the Mall?”
If they refuse, don’t appear too crushed; simply respond with an understanding “okay maybe some other time…”
4. Ask if there is anything they’d like to discuss and this will be a great time to be more of the listener and less of the talker as soon as they start to open up.
5. Don’t be what you’ve not always been to your teen, in other words being overly nice or “Bill Cosby-ish” (no pun intended Mr. Cosby) , trust me, they’ll see right through the act and may withdraw even more.
6. Watch for signs of suicide (in extreme cases) and if there is the slightest
indication, double up your efforts to reach your teen. It helps if you’ve been close as parent and child from the beginning.
7. In the hopes things are not as extreme, soon as they manifest signs of reaching out, help, be there. Incorporate such limbs of a natural treatment for depression as exercise, proper diet and positive thoughts and affirmations.
8. Set a good example of being upbeat around your teen as much as possible. This can also be more of preventive measure if any.
9. Prayer. If you are spiritual, pray and it doesn’t hurt and can help immensely to ask
your depressed teen to join. “Where two or more are gathered in My name, there will I be.” Keep that promise from Above in mind-it works.

Teenage depression may wear a different mask from all other types, but it is essentially the same and with the proper steps taken can be overcome. Do not panic, however, be strong and there for your teen and in applying the steps above with other suggestions or creative ideas you deem right as an adult dealing with a depressed teen, you will be able to steer him or her back to a positive outlook on life.

The Depressive Narcissist

Many scholars consider pathological narcissism to be a form of depressive illness. This is the position of the authoritative magazine "Psychology Today". The life of the typical narcissist is, indeed, punctuated with recurrent bouts of dysphoria (ubiquitous sadness and hopelessness), anhedonia (loss of the ability to feel pleasure), and clinical forms of depression (cyclothymic, dysthymic, or other). This picture is further obfuscated by the frequent presence of mood disorders, such as Bipolar I (co-morbidity).

While the distinction between reactive (exogenous) and endogenous depression is obsolete, it is still useful in the context of narcissism. Narcissists react with depression not only to life crises but to fluctuations in Narcissistic Supply.

The narcissist's personality is disorganised and precariously balanced. He regulates his sense of self-worth by consuming Narcissistic Supply from others. Any threat to the uninterrupted flow of said supply compromises his psychological integrity and his ability to function. It is perceived by the narcissist as life threatening.

I. Loss Induced Dysphoria

This is the narcissist's depressive reaction to the loss of one or more Sources of Narcissistic Supply – or to the disintegration of a Pathological Narcissistic Space (PN Space, his stalking or hunting grounds, the social unit whose members lavish him with attention).

II. Deficiency Induced Dysphoria

Deep and acute depression which follows the aforementioned losses of Supply Sources or a PN Space. Having mourned these losses, the narcissist now grieves their inevitable outcome – the absence or deficiency of Narcissistic Supply. Paradoxically, this dysphoria energises the narcissist and moves him to find new Sources of Supply to replenish his dilapidated stock (thus initiating a Narcissistic Cycle).

III. Self-Worth Dysregulation Dysphoria

The narcissist reacts with depression to criticism or disagreement, especially from a trusted and long-term Source of Narcissistic Supply. He fears the imminent loss of the source and the damage to his own, fragile, mental balance. The narcissist also resents his vulnerability and his extreme dependence on feedback from others. This type of depressive reaction is, therefore, a mutation of self-directed aggression.

IV. Grandiosity Gap Dysphoria

The narcissist's firmly, though counterfactually, perceives himself as omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, brilliant, accomplished, irresistible, immune, and invincible. Any data to the contrary is usually filtered, altered, or discarded altogether. Still, sometimes reality intrudes and creates a Grandiosity Gap. The narcissist is forced to face his mortality, limitations, ignorance, and relative inferiority. He sulks and sinks into an incapacitating but short-lived dysphoria.

V. Self-Punishing Dysphoria

Deep inside, the narcissist hates himself and doubts his own worth. He deplores his desperate addiction to Narcissistic Supply. He judges his actions and intentions harshly and sadistically. He may be unaware of these dynamics – but they are at the heart of the narcissistic disorder and the reason the narcissist had to resort to narcissism as a defence mechanism in the first place.

This inexhaustible well of ill will, self-chastisement, self-doubt, and self-directed aggression yields numerous self-defeating and self-destructive behaviours – from reckless driving and substance abuse to suicidal ideation and constant depression.

It is the narcissist's ability to confabulate that saves him from himself. His grandiose fantasies remove him from reality and prevent recurrent narcissistic injuries. Many narcissists end up delusional, schizoid, or paranoid. To avoid agonising and gnawing depression, they give up on life itself.

The Anxiety of Everyday Life

Many people I know claim that life stresses them out, and for all I know, they're probably telling the truth. Some, however, often say they feel anxiety over the major issues in their lives. When I hear this, I can't help but smile. You see, I suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for most of my life. While they may experience brief episodes of worry over life altering events that anyone would worry about, I would often find myself anxiously worried about everything. From the mundane and miniscule to the full scale and future altering, if it existed...I was anxious about it. If being anxious were a career choice, I would have been a high PhD toting, high powered executive.

The biggest difference between those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder and the population at large is the limited amount of control sufferers have over their thought processes. I used to worry uncontrollably about things over which I had little if any control. In fact, I often worried excessively about things that had no choice but to resolve themselves. My anxiety caused me to spend a great deal of time focusing on things that didn't merit the degree of concern I imparted them. Additionally, all the anxiety I felt over these everyday events wore on me, both mentally and physically.

Generalized anxiety disorder can be difficult to diagnose. I was lucky enough to have a physician who recognized some of the symptoms based on our conversations and recommended me to a specialist. Now that I've been diagnosed, I have successfully controlled my anxiety through behavior therapy, medication and relaxation techniques.

If you or someone you know feels overly anxious about the everyday events that all people experience, I encourage you to get more information on anxiety disorders. There are several excellent free resources on the web where you can view the symptoms of anxiety disorders to help determine if you may be suffering from anxiety. Always consult your physician regarding your medical concerns and remember, help is available.

The Cause of Anxiety Attacks in The World of Today

Are there causes of anxiety attacks? In today's world anxiety disorders many times may be the most common mental illness. In the United States 40 million (18.1%) of the adult population is affected. These numbers are on the increase all over the world, demanding immediate attention. Even though studies are usually made only on adults (over 18 years old), this disorder affects all age groups.

We all blame it on stress, too much work load or other over pressuring day to day activities. However, the scientists have found out the cause of anxiety attacks are:

Brian Biochemistry or chemical imbalance

There are two primary neurotransmitters; serotonin and dopamine, that affect a person's feeling. Any imbalance of these chemicals can provoke a cause of anxiety attacks expressed through feeling depressed or sad.


Anxiety disorders are also inherited as they tend to run in the family, thus passing it on from one's mother/father to the son/daughter or any other close relative. The structure of the brain and its process are inherited in totality and that can be another reason why people with chemical imbalance can pass on the anxiety disorder thus, being the cause of anxiety attacks. Also growing up as a child in an abusive home, where the family expressed anxiety and violence constantly can be the cause of anxiety attacks.

Fight or Flight Mechanism

When we sense danger, the body prepares itself to either fight or run away. This is known as fight or flight mechanism. This mechanism is triggered mostly by a part of the brain called Amygdale. Sometimes the brain misunderstands the message and a situation and translated it as dangerous when it is not in reality. This can be a cause of anxiety attacks.
The symptoms are very real and frightening. Thus, convincing us that something is wrong and we get scared and untrusting. The flight or fight failure, the scientists say, is the main cause of panic attacks.

Along with the various medications, the scientists also have discovered the possibility to reserve these symptoms now, with the modern science and technology. Now, all we need to do is to learn to recognize these symptoms and consult the doctor as soon as possible. As any other disorder or illness, treated in time, it can be almost always treated successfully.

Be aware of your body and recognize when is giving you the wrong symptoms. Make sure you consult your Doctor as you never want to rely on your own diagnosis. Your doctor may see or know something that you never thought of. Build your knowledge base and learn some techniques that will help you to stop your anxiety attacks dead in its tracks. You may want to try a book and audio that I have used. You can find a link at the top of my web site “A Guide to Eliminate Stress and Anxiety”.

Feel free to visit some of my sites Stop Anxiety Attacks and Stop Anxiety Now

Transforming your thoughts is key for dealing with depression

The Greatest Teacher that ever lived once said: “As a Man thinks in his heart so is he”. What you constantly think of a situation is quite inevitably what becomes of it; therefore it is paramount that in any and every situation our thinking should be positive.

If there is one fact that religion, science and psychology seem to agree on, it is that the mind is indeed the most powerful force in the world. Yoga sages have stated that whoever can control the mind is indeed a powerful human being.

That said, it is obvious that in coping with stress and dealing with depressive situations, one should make every step to think positively as perhaps the first weapon to combat negative challenges.

Friends, everything starts with a thought.

Moreover, thoughts have the innate ability of phenomenally materializing into what it is that is projected in your mind. Consequently, it will be safe to say we should all make attempts to change our mental habits to belief instead of disbelief as much as possible. This of course will be most paramount when seeking ways to overcoming depression.

Characterized by feelings of worthlessness, doubt, pessimism, if we allow depressive thoughts to constantly permeate our minds, they could actually gain the ability to diffuse into our speech and actions and consequently could aggravate the very situations and challenges one is facing that may be causing depressive thoughts in the first place.

When dealing with problems arising from depression, the famous psychologist-William James has this cryptic quote to say: “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking or challenging situation is the one thing that insures a successful outcome at the end”

This reminds me of another powerful verse in the Bible found in Mark 4 verse 23: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes”.

Combining the gist and effect of both quotes, one can see that it is imperative to believe in and expect the best in any situation one may be going through. In so doing you will bring everything into the realm of possibility and success.

In no way does this mean that we should sit back and just expect things to miraculously change. It means we must change our thought processes about our situations first, perform the actions that will lead us to and keep us on the path to success at overcoming our challenges and as words, thoughts and actions have an effect on each other as factors, one is also advised to constantly speak positively about what challenges one may be facing.

Combining all three factors will greatly help in making sure each component (most importantly our thoughts) remains positively tuned towards overcoming our depression.

My friends, although it may not always be an easy journey to overcome our challenges, I would like you to remember this quote as well "Life's problems are like knives, which either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle: Grasp a difficulty or problem by the blade and it cuts; grasp it by the handle and you can use it constructively"

Take the quote above into consideration and keep it in mind my friend as THE reason to constantly have faith and to hope for the best when it comes to dealing with depression. It is perhaps the one thing that will ensure success at the end.

Top Natural Depression Remedies

Most cases of depression if not all can be helped with treatment, but many people are too scared to seek treatment. They may be afraid of the questions that a therapist might ask, or they may be afraid of the medication that is designed to help with depression, but untreated depression is a very dangerous thing. There are some natural remedies that can at least help with depression. It is best to talk to a doctor before following a natural course of treatment for depression.


5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, is a supplement that works to boost the serotonin levels of the body. Studies have not produced conclusive results yet, however it is known that 5-HTP should not be used in conjunction with antidepressants.

Alternative Medicine

There are natural remedies like yoga, color therapy, flower therapy, aromatherapy and acupuncture or acupressure that can have some effect. These effects vary from person to person, so try to see if any appeal to you and check them out if you are interested.


It might be hard to hear that giving up your beloved coffee or your daily sweets might help you feel better, but removing sweets from your diet can help to keep your mood more stable, preventing the false highs and exaggerated lows as your blood sugar soars and then plummets.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also both help, as both of these dampen moods. The alcohol is a relaxant while the caffeine is an energy booster, but the effects of both quickly wear off leaving us feeling worse than ever and producing symptoms like insomnia, anxiety, mood swings and even depression.

Since vitamin B6 and Magnesium can both be gotten from your diet and can help you keep your natural serotonin levels up, it is important to add food to your diet that include one or both of these. Magnesium can be found in nuts, whole grains, legumes and vegetables. As a side effect, eating healthier can also help your depression by helping you to feel healthier and boosting your self-image.


Like diet, exercise is something that most of us avoid as much as possible when we are depressed, preferring inactivity and isolation. Regular exercise, however, can boost your mood by eliminating the stress hormones in your body as well as by boosting your own self image as you begin to look and feel better. Exercise itself releases mood-boosting chemicals in your brain, and gives you something productive and hopefully fun to focus your mind on.

Folic Acid

Folic Acid or Folate is a particular kind of B vitamin that is often found to be deficient in depressed people. You can get Folate from eating leafy greens as well as some beans or fortified grains. It is a very common deficiency because of poor diet, certain medical conditions, and various medications such as birth control pills that eliminate it in the body.

Light Therapy

Getting enough sunlight is a natural mood booster, and a lack of sunlight can lead to depression. Getting out in the air and the sunlight for a walk or a run or other exercise can be helpful to boost your mood and can be a double-threat to depression because you are getting exercise as well. If you cannot get out in the sunlight for any reason or if you can't get enough sunlight, you can use lamps that simulate natural sunlight to help you boost your mood with this light therapy. Don't forget to wear sunscreen to protect your skin while you are out on your walks.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in fish like salmon, and offer many benefits including improved mental functioning. Omega-3 fatty acids can be used in conjunction with antidepressants to help these medications function more effectively. Depression is less common in countries like Taiwan and Japan, which have a culture that consumes much more fish.


SAM-e is short for S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and is a chemical that is found naturally in the body. It has been shown in studies to be more effective than a placebo at treating depression, and is available in the United States as an over the counter supplement in health food stores and drug stores as well as online. It is somewhat expensive, but it can be argued that it is worth the expense as long as it helps.

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is traditionally used for worry, nervousness, poor sleep and sadness. Over 20 clinical trials conducted to date suggest that St. John's Wort is about as effective as medication for mild to moderate depression, although it is not effective in severe cases.

There Is Hope In Managing Your Depression And Fears

When your fears and depression have the best of you, it is easy to feel that things will not get any better. This is not true. There is hope in dealing with your fears and depression. For instance, there is much help available in today’s society and the best way to deal with your fears is to find effective ways to overcome them. As a result, here are some techniques a person can use to help manage their fears and anxieties.

You never know when the answers your looking for will come to your doorstep. Even if the thing that you feared does happen, there are circumstances and factors that you can’t predict which can be used to your advantage. These factors can change everything. Remember: we may be ninety-nine percent correct in predicting the future, but all it takes is for that one percent to make a world of difference.

Challenge your negative thinking with positive statements and realistic thinking. When encountering thoughts that make your fearful or depressed, challenge those thoughts by asking yourself questions that will maintain objectivity and common sense. For example, your afraid that if you do not get that job promotion then you will be stuck at your job forever. This depresses you, however your thinking in this situation is unrealistic. The fact of the matter is that there all are kinds of jobs available and just because you don’t get this job promotion doesn’t mean that you will never get one. In addition, people change jobs all the time, and you always have that option of going elsewhere if you are unhappy at your present location.

Some people get depressed and have a difficult time getting out of bed in the mornings. When this happens, a person should take a deep breath and try to find something to do to get their mind off of the problem. A person could take a walk, listen to some music, read the newspaper or do an activity that will give them a fresh perspective on things. Doing something will get your mind off of the problem and give you confidence to do other things.

Seek help from God. You might of heard this before, however have you tried asking God for help? Praying and talking to God about your problem can be effective. Although the answers might not come to you right away, you can’t go wrong on relying on God. You never know how God will work in ones life. All you can do is to do your best each day, hope for the best, and take it in stride by using the help of God. God will help us through our problems if we ask him.

As a Layman and author of an anxiety book, I have done many interviews with various counselors in how to manage fear, anxiety and depression. The techniques that I have just covered are some basic ways to manage your depression, however your best bet is to get some help from a professional and not to lose hope. Eventually, you will find the answers you are looking for.

The Ups and Downs of Atypical Depression

Atypical depression, a subtype of major depression, is the most common form of depression today. People who suffer atypical depression exhibit all the normal symptoms of depression but they also react to external positive experiences in a positive way. Atypical depression sufferers respond to their environment, enjoying the company of friends but slipping back into deep depression when alone or faced with a stressful situation. It is this aspect of atypical depression that differentiates it from melancholic depression in which external positive experiences still result in depressed feelings.

People who suffer from atypical depression also exhibit other symptoms that aren't normally associated with "normal" depression including:

• Increase in appetite with a weight gain of ten or more pounds.
• Hypersomnia -over sleeping of more than 10 hours per day.
• Leaden paralysis of the arms and legs
• Long term pattern of sensitivity to rejection in personal situations that causes social or work related withdrawal.

In 1998 Dr. Andrew A. Nierenberg, associate director of the depression clinical and research program at Massachusetts General Hospital, published a study that found 42% of participants suffered from atypical depression, 12% had melancholic depression, 14% had both depression subtypes and the remaining did not suffer from depression.

Studies have also found that atypical depression begins earlier in a person’s life than other forms of depression with most sufferers beginning to show symptoms in their teenage years. Those who suffer from atypical depression are also at greater risk of suffering from other mental disorders such as social phobias, avoidant personality disorder or body dysmorphic disorder. Atypical depression is more prevalent in females than males as well, with nearly 70% of it's sufferers being women.

Treating atypical depression is an ongoing process. Research has shown that MAOIs such as Nardil or Parnate work reasonably well as do the newer SSRI medications (Lexapro, Prozac, Zoloft). Most patients prefer the SSRIs because they do not exhibit the unpleasant side affects of the MAOIs.

It is also important that if you or someone you know suffers from atypical depression that you or they seek psychiatric help. Atypical depression is not easy to diagnose the treatment choices can vary from patient to patient. A general care practitioner does not have the expertise to differentiate between the subtypes of depression and may not know the best course of treatment for their patient.

The Hawthorne Effect in EEG Biofeedback and Subliminal Training

The Hawthorne Effect is a little known phenomenon of the unconscious mind. A person starts training at something "new". For a few hours or days, there is significant improvement in this training, then, suddenly, no improvement or in some few cases, a reverse in training is experienced.

No one "knows" exactly why this phenomenon is a factor in various educational training situations. The major theory is that It comes from the unconscious mind "resisting change". .Or, you might use the popular phrase “If it works, don't fix it”!

While it seems to appear more in Subliminal Training than other modes, it's also present in other training or teaching situations, including EEG Biofeedback (AKA Neurofeedback). As usual, it varies with each INDIVIDUAL. A majority of persons never notice any effects. Why do some, and not others? We don't know - always remember that in dealing with the mind, every one is different (INDIVIDUALITY is the key). However, in a few persons, this Hawthorne Effect may be very strong, and perhaps frightening.

Since this Hawthorne Effect seems to be more prevalent in subliminal brain training, I have given this subject a lot of thought, and have the following theories as to how this Hawthorne Effect may work in different individuals:

* In my opinion, the most probable reason for this effect is the unconscious mind's "resistance to change", as part of our inherent defense system. The computer part of our brain tries to maintain the status quo. This is known as homeostasis in medical language. In layman language, "don't fix what ain't broke".

* Another possible factor for some persons may be that the unconscious mind doesn't want that brain problem solved. The unconscious mind is a strange, and at times, a murky place indeed. I once found with hypnosis, that a very fat lady unconsciously didn't want to lose fat because she was "punishing" her husband. Bedwetters often are unconsciously "punishing their parents". Sounds silly, but it's true as any good psychologist can testify. The goals of the unconscious often contradict the goals of the conscious!

* A somewhat similar unconscious motive might be that the person is "punishing" their self for some real or imaginary guilt.

As to why this Hawthorne Effect seems to be somewhat more prevalent used in subliminal training than in EEG BF training, it's probable that using the conscious mind to work on the unconscious may seem to be more "reassuring", and create less resistance to change. However, some persons working in EEG BF (AKA Neurofeedback) have reported this same effect in some trainees.

Now that (I hope) you understand the Hawthorne Effect a bit better, let's see what it means to you and yours! First and foremost - be assured that you can come to no harm in simply continuing to train as you did. The Hawthorne Effect has never actually harmed anyone, except scaring them out of doing what they want to do.

If you simply keep on going to sleep while playing the Bate Auditory Training audio, in a few days or so, you'll notice that you are now, once again, improving in various symptoms. Keep on trucking, as the saying goes, and you'll get better.

For much more information on other specific problems, you can go to Dr Bate's two other websites which have lots of free information on nutrition and Orthomolecular/Alternative therapies as well as EEG Biofeedback. These are:

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training

The Really Great Depression

For almost 10 years, from 1929 to the late into the 1930's the word went into a massive economic decline. The entire world was hit with the decline, however the most industrialized nations were hit the hardest. These nations included the United States, Europe and Japan. Due to the nature of the depression economies that were built around industry were hit the hardest.

Although every industry was during these years, industries such as agriculture were hit less hard due to the fact that they remain basic necessities no matter what the economic situation of an economy is. This doesn't speak true however for industries such as construction which come to a complete halt when there is no economic activity.

The two main causes for the great depression was the vast unequal distribution of wealth during the 1920's as well as extensive stock market speculation that started to take prominence the the later 1920's. Imbalance in wealth creates a largely unstable economy, and this resulted in several parts of the world. During the 1920's because it was the biggest boom the United States economy had ever seen, the stock market, despite speculation, remained artificially high. Once the legs fell out from underneith the stock market, the unstable economy (created from the maldistribution of wealth) made the entire economy of America to collapse.

America right now looks to be headed in the same direction once again: the gap is growing between the rich and poor, and we are again in a major bust where we the majority of us are living beyond our means. Will history repeat itself? Are we smart enough to avoid another great depression? These are both questions that we will probably see answered in our lifetime.

Tips To Beating Depression

Everyone has days when they are down, worn out and just not feeling all that happy.

That's OK, you need to have days like this, otherwise how would you know when you are happy. You need to have something to contrast your happiness with. What is black without white?

Even though you know that sadness is a part of life, let's try to make it a small part of life.

With that said, here are a few tips to help you feel better when you are feeling down in the dumps. They are easy to do, easy to practice every day and they work!

1. Stand up straight, sit up straight. When your body is in alignment your energy can flow and when your energy is flowing freely, you can flow.

2. Smile! Yes, just smile. Easy to do and effective.

3. Repeat positive affirmations. Things like "I feel good", "Positive energy flows through my body", "I see the good in all".

4. Listen to some music that you like. It doesn't have to be anything specific, just something you enjoy. Certain types of music work better than others, but experiment and see what works for you. Studies have shown that Classical music and new age music work best.

5. Take some time out for yourself, relax and read a book, do something for yourself.

6. Meditate. Meditation is an excellent habit to develop. It will serve you in all that you do. If you are one who has a hard time sitting still, then try some special meditation CDs that coax your brain into the meditative state. Just search for "Meditation music" on Google or Yahoo and explore.

Our outside work is simply a reflection of our inside world. Remember there is no reality just your perception of it. Use this truth to your advantage. Whenever you are sad, realize that it is all in your mind and you do have the power to change your perception.

These tips will lift you up when you are down, but don't just use them when you are sad. Try and practice them everyday, make them a habit. You will be surprised at how these simple exercises will keep the rainy days away.

On a final note, if you are in a deep depression that you can't seem to shake, please go see a doctor. This is your life and don't take any chances.

There Is Always Hope For Anxiety

Anxiety can be a life-altering occurrence. It can happen without our knowledge and can change a life forever. That is not to say the changes are for the worse. If we are aware, early on, that we are experiencing stress and dealing with anxiety then we have a great opportunity to promote positive behavior. This positive behavior can then dominate our lives.

There are varying effects anxiety has on the human body, mind and spirit. Anxiety can often times be a silent killer. Stress and anxiety go hand in hand and both promote heart problems, respiratory problems and can cause us to age more rapidly than if we were to have a healthier, slower paced lifestyle.

Yoga, deep tissue massages, and even routine exercising can be beneficial in reducing anxiety. All it takes is a phone call, a minute of searching the Internet, or even a chat with your physician or pastor to begin the process of healing. Once you have discovered on your own or been diagnosed by a physician that anxiety is the culprit for what ails you, the healing process is as difficult as you want it to be.

Being in denial about anxiety is a step in the wrong direction. When you discover you have symptoms of an illness (serious or otherwise) and all physical elements are ruled out you must look long and hard at how you are living. There is part of us that most are not even aware of until our health plummets and we are forced to look more closely at how we live.

Most of us can fully benefit by slowing everything down and easing up on what we cram into one day. Sometimes it is as if we have to fill each moment of everyday to the bursting point in order to feel as if we have accomplished something. Stepping back and doing nothing is a challenge. And it is challenge well worth the effort and one we must take into serious consideration.

Slowing down is the first step to forcing out the anxiety that is easily accessible to all of us as humans. Forming a plan of attack on the urges and pitfalls that lead us further into the darkness of anxiety is essential. The war against anxiety begins with the acknowledgement that it exists. When you replace stressful, anxious behavior with positive, relaxed behavior you have the beginnings of a beautiful life.

The Health Benefits Of Tai Chi

More and more people are looking at the different alternative health therapy options these days. In this article, I write about the health benefits which using tai chi can bring. I hope you enjoy the read.

Tai chi is the most popular exercise in the world today. It is relatively new to the western world but is becoming more and more popular. The two thousand year old Chinese martial art is quite simple to do and has many benefits.

I have been attending tai chi classes for around a year now and it has massively helped me to control my anxiety and stress levels. Stress has been a big factor in my life and I have always struggled to think in a positive way. I now try many alternative treatments to manage my stress including meditation and tai chi. Both work very well for me.

I was introduced to tai chi by a friend. I must say that I did not really know much about it before this. He told me that it had helped him no end in controlling his depression. His name is John and he has many issues in his life which not only affect his self-confidence but also makes him very depressed at times. John has been attending tai chi classes for nearly two years and has seemingly become a new man. For whatever reason he did not tell people about what he was doing. On a night out I mentioned to him that he had been a lot happier in the recent months. This is when he talked to me about tai chi. He also asked if I would like to attend the classes with him, which I duly agreed to. I am very glad that we had this conversation as I can also quite easily spiral into a state of depression.

It may be a piece of mind thing as I know that I will be attending a tai chi once a week, but I am now very able to deal with stress and am far less anxious than I ever used to be.

People have also mentioned that I look far healthier and even that I look younger than before. This is supposed to be another benefit of tai chi, it helps to delay the aging process. This is good for somebody like me as people always thought that I was around five years older than I actually was.

Other health benefits of tai chi:

Helps to keep people mobile well into old age

Helps to improve balance

Helps to reduce asthma

Helps people to recover from certain injuries

Helps to boost the immune system

Helps to lower blood pressure

In conclusion, if you are like me and are a person who is always stressed out and often depressed, tai chi could be the answer for you. Give it a go and it could change your life.

It goes without saying that tai chi is not for everybody and I would also recommend meditation, reflexology, aromatherapy, and hypnotherapy.

I am a person who likes to try new things as I am always trying to improve my life. I want to live a long, happy and stress free life. Using these forms of alternative treatments is helping me to achieve this at the moment.

Steve Hill

To Smoke or not to Smoke? - Tobacco & Nicotine Testing Kits

Smoking is a health hazard, to both those who smoke and those who are exposed to secondhand fumes. Due to this hazard, many companies have begun to test their employees for nicotine via nicotine drug tests. Nicotine tests help employers and insurance companies alike evaluate a person’s health more accurately, often times resulting in increased costs to the smoker.

Nicotine Testing for Insurance

Nowadays, many insurance companies require a full physical before accepting an individual onto one of their coverage plans. While this certainly holds true for health insurance, it is even more prevalent in the realm of life insurance policies. Life insurance companies require applicants to undergo an insurance company test for smoking. This is typically performed through blood testing for nicotine or a nicotine urine test. Should an individual be found to have nicotine in their system, they will be required to pay a higher insurance premium. Quite simply, smoking puts your health at risk, and insurance companies are not willing to take that risk without first, a tobacco test and second, higher monetary compensation.

Employer Nicotine Testing

While an employer cannot discriminate against employees who smoke, they can certainly screen their workers for nicotine use. These tobacco tests help companies decide how much their employees are required to pay for health insurance coverage. The thought behind this practice is that it would not be fair for a non-smoker and a smoker to pay the same premiums.

Nicotine Tobacco Testing

Nicotine drug testing can be carried out in several ways, the most popular of which are nicotine urine testing and blood testing. A great tobacco test kit can be found at TestCountry. This home nicotine test kit is a urine test that detects both nicotine and cotinine in a sample of urine taken from a donor. Nicotine urine testing can be done at home, in the office or during an insurance mandated physical. Results appear quickly and these nicotine tests are laboratory accurate.

Oftentimes, parents are concerned about whether or not their teenagers are smoking cigarettes. But with a tobacco test kit, the answers to your most pressing question will be answered. Nicotine addiction is very real. The sooner you find out if your teen is smoking, the sooner you can help your child overcome their nicotine addiction.

Insurance companies can potentially save money by enforcing insurance company test for smoking. These nicotine drug tests help insurance companies adjust their premiums to be fairer for non-smokers, as it is not fair for non-smokers and smokers to pay the same rates.

Employers also benefit from tobacco use detection tests and can save money when they buy health insurance for employees. Using nicotine urine testing is easy and effective and helps employers decide on fair insurance payment rates for their workers.

The Truth About Depression

You’ve probably seen the commercials on television talking about the “you” you used to be before depression set in. Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression. You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor determine you are indeed suffering from this illness.

That’s right. Depression is a real mental illness that often requires anti-depressants or therapy to relieve symptoms. You can’t fix depression by yourself, and without treatment, you’ll likely face an uphill battle you probably aren’t going to win. More than 18 million people a year—or nine and a half percent of adults in America—are diagnosed with some sort of depressive illness such as depression.

The first thing you need to know are some of the symptoms that are common with depression. Symptoms include: feeling persistently sad or anxious, being overcome by hopelessness or pessimism, loss of interest in things you normally enjoy, having a lack of energy, feeling excessively tired, having difficulty making decisions or concentrating, insomnia, sleeping too much, excessive weight gain, excessive weight loss, irritability, restlessness and thoughts of suicide. If you’ve experienced any, most or all of these symptoms for a period of two weeks or more, you’re likely to be suffering from clinical depression.

What causes depression? In some instances, depression is genetic and is passed from generation to generation while others who suffer from depression will find there is no history of depression in their families. If you tend to have low-self esteem or you generally are pessimistic, you may be prone to depression. Many changes—such as death in the family, illness, financial difficulties and other stressors—can also be the root cause of depression.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to see a doctor to discuss treatment options. Once your doctor diagnoses depression and eliminates any other possible causes, you and he will determine the best treatment option for you. Antidepressants are often the most chosen form of therapy, and it’s important to know—no matter what antidepressant you go on, you must be sure you never just stop taking them. Simply stopping medication can have severe consequences.

If you take an anti-depressant, you may experience any of a series of side effects including dry mouth, constipation, bladder problems, dizziness, sexual problems, headache, nausea, nervousness and insomnia. If the side effects are too severe, seek your doctor’s advice.

The good news is, if you’re suffering from depression, you’re not alone. You can get help. There are people who understand and who can help you and your family learn to make things better. The key is to seek help, and before you know it you’ll be on the path to happier times.

Top Ten So-Called "Habits" That May Indicate That You Have Anxiety

There isn't anyone in this world who does not engage in some sort of "habit"...and often on a daily basis. Some people walk fast, while others twist their hair, for example. While most of these are actually benign behaviors, you should know that there are some habits that actually could be a sign that you suffer from anxiety.

Below are ten of the most common behaviors that people often erroneously refer to as "habits, without realizing that they may be attempting to compensate for feeling anxious:

1. Smoking - So many people smoke now...although many are learning that it can cause great harm to their health. There are many smoking cessation programs available which one can access. Note that smoking is often a telltale sign of anxiety.

2. Nail Biting - Thousands of people bite their nails every day. This ordinarily does not do much harm to people, except that it may lead to infection around the nail. Pay attention to the fact that you may be engaging in "nail biting" because you feel nervous and stressed.

3. Hair Pulling - This is more common than people think. Some people pull hair out from various regions of the body (eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp, etc...) when they feel anxious about something. Often this is done unconsciously. If done regularly and in excess, it can lead to hair-loss, and may be a sign of a more serious disorder known as "trichotillomania" (a close relative of a disorder known as OCD-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Just note that this could indicate that you have anxiety.

4. Leg Bouncing - This can't do any harm to you...except to drive other people nuts watching you bounce your leg! However, it could be a sign to you that you need to relax more and are suffering from anxiety.

5. Foot Tapping - This can't cause any problems, other than to annoy others who are watching you tap your feet! Although...your feet might get tired! Bear in mind that "foot tapping" may be more than just a may indicate that you are stressed out.

6. Overeating - Most of us love to eat! But if done in excess, it could cause significant weight gain and lead to a variety of health problems. Comfort foods, such as brownies, cookies, fast food, and other high-sugar/high-fat snacks can cause obesity. Keep in mind that your "habit" of overeating may be a clear sign of anxiety.

7. Undereating - This could create a problem in that you may not get adequate nutrition and you could lose significant amounts of weight, which is referred to as "anorexia" in the medical world. It is essential to get the proper vitamins and minerals in order to stay healthy. Please note that undereating could be a sign that you have anxiety.

8. Oversleeping - This is known in the medical world as "hypersomnia". It can't do any harm to you, but if you are oversleeping you may be depressed. Depression is a close relative of anxiety, so be aware that you may have "hypersomnia" because you suffer from anxiety.

9. Undersleeping - This is known in the medical world as "insomnia" and can effect what's known as cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that is effected when sleep is inadequate. Balanced cortisol levels are highly essential to having proper sleep, and thus keeping anxiety at a minimum. If you have "insomnia", then this may be a clear indicator that you have anxiety.

10. Skin Picking - This "habit" can cause harm to you, in that it may create scarring or infection to the area that is being picked. Note that sometimes people who engage in this "habit" are doing it to relieve stress or anxiety.

There are four easy steps to help you to better understand your "habit" and its cause:

Step 1. Pay attention to your own behavior, and notice your "habits."

Step 2. Ask others what habits they see you engaging in, of which you may be unaware.

Step 3. Document in a journal what these habits are, and when you engage in them. (e.g. "I seem to pace just before a big exam in school.")

Step 4. Over time, you can establish a pattern of when you engage in a particular habit, and thus pinpoint the cause.

Traumas as Social Interactions

("He" in this text - to mean "He" or "She").

We react to serious mishaps, life altering setbacks, disasters, abuse, and death by going through the phases of grieving. Traumas are the complex outcomes of psychodynamic and biochemical processes. But the particulars of traumas depend heavily on the interaction between the victim and his social milieu.

It would seem that while the victim progresses from denial to helplessness, rage, depression and thence to acceptance of the traumatizing events - society demonstrates a diametrically opposed progression. This incompatibility, this mismatch of psychological phases is what leads to the formation and crystallization of trauma.


Victim phase I - DENIAL

The magnitude of such unfortunate events is often so overwhelming, their nature so alien, and their message so menacing - that denial sets in as a defence mechanism aimed at self preservation. The victim denies that the event occurred, that he or she is being abused, that a loved one passed away.


The victim's nearest ("Society") - his colleagues, his employees, his clients, even his spouse, children, and friends - rarely experience the events with the same shattering intensity. They are likely to accept the bad news and move on. Even at their most considerate and empathic, they are likely to lose patience with the victim's state of mind. They tend to ignore the victim, or chastise him, to mock, or to deride his feelings or behaviour, to collude to repress the painful memories, or to trivialize them.

Summary Phase I

The mismatch between the victim's reactive patterns and emotional needs and society's matter-of-fact attitude hinders growth and healing. The victim requires society's help in avoiding a head-on confrontation with a reality he cannot digest. Instead, society serves as a constant and mentally destabilizing reminder of the root of the victim's unbearable agony (the Job syndrome).


Victim phase II - HELPLESSNESS

Denial gradually gives way to a sense of all-pervasive and humiliating helplessness, often accompanied by debilitating fatigue and mental disintegration. These are among the classic symptoms of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). These are the bitter results of the internalization and integration of the harsh realization that there is nothing one can do to alter the outcomes of a natural, or man-made, catastrophe. The horror in confronting one's finiteness, meaninglessness, negligibility, and powerlessness - is overpowering.

Society phase II - DEPRESSION

The more the members of society come to grips with the magnitude of the loss, or evil, or threat represented by the grief inducing events - the sadder they become. Depression is often little more than suppressed or self-directed anger. The anger, in this case, is belatedly induced by an identified or diffuse source of threat, or of evil, or loss. It is a higher level variant of the "fight or flight" reaction, tampered by the rational understanding that the "source" is often too abstract to tackle directly.

Summary Phase II

Thus, when the victim is most in need, terrified by his helplessness and adrift - society is immersed in depression and unable to provide a holding and supporting environment. Growth and healing is again retarded by social interaction. The victim's innate sense of annulment is enhanced by the self-addressed anger (=depression) of those around him.


Both the victim and society react with RAGE to their predicaments. In an effort to narcissistically reassert himself, the victim develops a grandiose sense of anger directed at paranoidally selected, unreal, diffuse, and abstract targets (=frustration sources). By expressing aggression, the victim re-acquires mastery of the world and of himself.

Members of society use rage to re-direct the root cause of their depression (which is, as we said, self directed anger) and to channel it safely. To ensure that this expressed aggression alleviates their depression - real targets must are selected and real punishments meted out. In this respect, "social rage" differs from the victim's. The former is intended to sublimate aggression and channel it in a socially acceptable manner - the latter to reassert narcissistic self-love as an antidote to an all-devouring sense of helplessness.

In other words, society, by itself being in a state of rage, positively enforces the narcissistic rage reactions of the grieving victim. This, in the long run, is counter-productive, inhibits personal growth, and prevents healing. It also erodes the reality test of the victim and encourages self-delusions, paranoidal ideation, and ideas of reference.


Victim Phase IV - DEPRESSION

As the consequences of narcissistic rage - both social and personal - grow more unacceptable, depression sets in. The victim internalizes his aggressive impulses. Self directed rage is safer but is the cause of great sadness and even suicidal ideation. The victim's depression is a way of conforming to social norms. It is also instrumental in ridding the victim of the unhealthy residues of narcissistic regression. It is when the victim acknowledges the malignancy of his rage (and its anti-social nature) that he adopts a depressive stance.


People around the victim ("society") also emerge from their phase of rage transformed. As they realize the futility of their rage, they feel more and more helpless and devoid of options. They grasp their limitations and the irrelevance of their good intentions. They accept the inevitability of loss and evil and Kafkaesquely agree to live under an ominous cloud of arbitrary judgement, meted out by impersonal powers.

Summary Phase IV

Again, the members of society are unable to help the victim to emerge from a self-destructive phase. His depression is enhanced by their apparent helplessness. Their introversion and inefficacy induce in the victim a feeling of nightmarish isolation and alienation. Healing and growth are once again retarded or even inhibited.



Depression - if pathologically protracted and in conjunction with other mental health problems - sometimes leads to suicide. But more often, it allows the victim to process mentally hurtful and potentially harmful material and paves the way to acceptance. Depression is a laboratory of the psyche. Withdrawal from social pressures enables the direct transformation of anger into other emotions, some of them otherwise socially unacceptable. The honest encounter between the victim and his own (possible) death often becomes a cathartic and self-empowering inner dynamic. The victim emerges ready to move on.

Society Phase V - DENIAL

Society, on the other hand, having exhausted its reactive arsenal - resorts to denial. As memories fade and as the victim recovers and abandons his obsessive-compulsive dwelling on his pain - society feels morally justified to forget and forgive. This mood of historical revisionism, of moral leniency, of effusive forgiveness, of re-interpretation, and of a refusal to remember in detail - leads to a repression and denial of the painful events by society.

Summary Phase V

This final mismatch between the victim's emotional needs and society's reactions is less damaging to the victim. He is now more resilient, stronger, more flexible, and more willing to forgive and forget. Society's denial is really a denial of the victim. But, having ridden himself of more primitive narcissistic defences - the victim can do without society's acceptance, approval, or look. Having endured the purgatory of grieving, he has now re-acquired his self, independent of society's acknowledgement.

Understanding Depression and Menopause

As women approach midlife and menopause one of the things to be on the lookout for is depression. While menopause is not thought to be a cause of depression the two can occur at the same time. What is believed to be a cause of depression is changes in estrogen levels which occur during menopause. It is known that women are affected by depression over twice as much as men and that a family history of depression can factor into this as well.

The symptoms of depression and menopause are very similar and include sleep disorders, hot flashes,fatigue, anxiety, and irritability. Many women associate these symptoms with the changes that menopause bring, but they may be a sign of depression that needs to be understood and dealt with. There is no reason women need to suffer from depression duing menopause. It is important that they accept the physical changes happening to their bodies during this time and work with their doctor to mitigate the symptoms of menopause, but it is alaso important that they realize that depression and menopause can be mutually exclusive and both can be dealt with.

As women approach menopause their menstrual cycles begin to change and start to become unpredictable. This unpredictability of their monthly cycle is a sign of erratic ovulation. Erratic ovulation causes unpredictable releases of the hormones estrogen and progetserone leading to mood swings, forgetfulness, hot flashes and all the other symptoms associated with menopause.

Most women going through menopause feel that they are loosing control of their bodies when in fact it is just their natural reaction to the aging process. This feeling of loss of control can lead to symptoms of depression. As the symptoms of both menopause and depression worsen they start to feel that their is nothing they can do and a feeling of hoplessness falls over them. This feeling of hopelessness is a major part of depression and left untreated can lead to severe depression.

Untreated depression is a major health risk. Researchers have found that depression is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and in some cases it can lead to bone deterioration increasing the likely hood of osteoporosis and broken bones.

The treatment for dperession and menopause can follow a two pronged approach. It is important to treat not only the depression with antidepressant medications and counseling but also to treat the symptoms of menopause as well. Menopause can be treated with hormone replacement therapy where synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone are used to even out the woman's hormone levels.

If you are a woman approaching midlife and menopause be aware that depression can be a very real side affect of the changes that will happen to you. If start to see the symptoms of depression it is best to talk to your doctor about what treatment options may work best for you.

Victim's Anger

During the past several days I have felt so much stress, anger and frustration because my 25 year old son is a bank teller who had a gun pointed inches from his face during a local bank robbery.

Needless to say, my son has been going through a lot of uncomfortable of which is anger. I believe it is victim's anger. I think he is starting to feel a little better and will heal in time. Everyone in town has been asking him questions. Hopefully that will die down soon. Small towns quickly find something new to buzz about.

During the robbery my son was told not to touch the alarm button or he would get his head blown off! He followed directions and kept everyone safe by doing so. I'm very thankful for that. I would have been shaking in fear but he was calm on the outside.

My son and another teller were able to give a perfect description of the robber (who was so dumb that he didn't cover his face or bring anything to put the money in. ) The robber was caught on Friday and is now behind bars....thank God!

I had a nightmare the night before the robber was apprehended. In it the robber came to our home to cause trouble for all of us. I woke my husband up twice wimpering in my sleep.

I wish I could visit that bank robber in jail and express my anger at him because of what he did to my son. I haven't felt so much stress for quite some time. Making my son a victim of a crime was a terrible thing, in my opinion. These things shouldn't happen to anyone, but it does, and I feel very angry about it. Feeling like a victim doesn't feel good at all. You feel helpless and then you feel angry, very angry.

My son is a smart and sensitive person who never in a million years deserved to be treated this way.....and yet he was. It makes me so mad! It definitely makes my son mad too. It has been difficult to contain my anger, which is why I thought writing about it might help. I've certainly talked about it with friends and relatives and so has my son.

Talking and writing are my two best therapies when it comes to dealing with negative feelings. I guess that's why my brother David encouraged my writing by having me to submit it here.

Warning Signs Of Adolescent Depression

We are all concerned about the health of our children from the moment that they emerge into the world, but an overlooked aspect of their health could turn out to be one of the biggest factors. A child's mental health, and, later in life, an adolescent's mental health, have huge effects on the way that our children and teens live. Problems like depression can affect the quality of life for your adolescent, and can even affect their physical health.

If you think that your adolescent may be depressed, look for the signs described in this article. If they exhibit several of the signs, consult with your pediatrician to see if they think that your teenager might be suffering from depression. Adolescent depression can cause symptoms such as:

Irregular sleep - Sometimes teenagers are just on a different sleep schedule than their parents. It is perfectly normal for a teen to stay up late at night and to want to sleep in well into the next day. This is not an attitude problem, but a rewiring of their brains that drives them to these "abnormal" hours. They will return to "normal" as time goes on. What is not normal is a teen that sleeps all the time, going to bed early, sleeping late, and retiring for naps. It is also not normal for an adolescent to suffer from insomnia. While these could be symptoms of other problems, they can also be signs of depression.

Lack of energy - Despite all that extra sleep, does your adolescent still seem fatigued or tired much of the time? Low energy and lots of sleep could be signs of a problem with the thyroid, it could be something else entirely, or it could be an example of a symptom of depression.

Loss of interest - It might be hard to tell if your child has become disinterested in things that used to interest them if they are not open with you, but it pays to pay close attention. If your adolescent is no longer interested in things like keeping in contact with their friends or in playing the latest video games, whatever he or she used to be excited about, then it could be cause for concern.

Change of appetite - Is your always-hungry teen suddenly disinterested in food? Is your teenager suddenly and uncharacteristically eating all the time (particularly "comfort foods" or sweets)? These could both be signs of depression, and should be watched carefully. They could also indicate problems like an eating disorder, and so should be taken seriously no matter what the circumstances.

Irritability - While it can be hard to tell if your teen is irritable in general or just snappy with you as an authority figure, it is good to note that excessive irritability may be a sign of depression.

A bleak outlook - If your child is suddenly talking in the negative or talking about suicide, chalking it up to "mood swings" can be a mistake that can have deadly consequences. This may be one of the most overlooked of the depression signs in adolescents because many parents feel that it is normal to be pessimistic in the teenage years. This is also often paired with self-loathing, which may manifest in a variety of ways including verbally ("I'm such a loser" or "No one likes me, anyway"), self-abuse like cutting, or talk of suicide.

You should never treat these symptoms in your adolescents as a bid for attention. While one or two of the symptoms may be symptomatic of other problems or just of being a teenager, they could also be symptoms of depression. If you see any number of these symptoms in your adolescent, it is imperative that you get into contact with their pediatrician as soon as possible.

While you may be able to talk to your teen about the depression, it really depends on your relationship with your adolescent and how you think that they will respond to your line of questioning. You should never accuse if you see warning signs of depression in your adolescent, but should talk gently with them to find out if they are willing to share their problems.

Depression in adolescents is a serious problem, but with close attention on your part and the intervention of a pediatrician with the right therapies or medications, you can effectively eliminate the immediate dangers of this terrible disease. Diagnosis and intervention can be the tools that help you save your adolescent from the dangers and pitfalls of this illness, and your awareness is what will get them there.